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Street Clothes (T-shirt edition)

T-shirts are clearly a big product these days. We've all seen them for sale online: retro shirts, "clever" shirts, geeky shirts, shirts for hipsters which somehow fail to fall into these previous categories, et cetera. But recently I've been surprised to see people actually wearing a few particular shirts as they wander through midtown Manhattan:

Exhibit A: A teenage girl whose brightly colored shirt happily displayed a tastefully altered Sanrio icon with the text "Hello T*tties."

Exhibit B: A slender woman who proudly bore upon her chest the declaration "THESE are my all-access pass."

Exhibits C and D: Two different men (seen on separate occasions), both rather unassuming looking, unassuming that is apart from their t-shirts which indicated (arrow up) "The Man" and (arrow down) "The Legend."

Exhibit E: An Asian man with thin graying Mr. Rogers hair, wearing board shorts and old running shoes and a T-shirt advertising "The Erogenous Zone: A playground for swingers."


Sitting in a doctor's office in Cheyenne, Wyoming this morning, I saw a woman wearing a shirt that said in huge letters - "My Favorite Fantasy - TWO MEN!". The woman was unfortunately neither slender nor attractive. But I guess we're all allowed to fantasize, aren't we?

Well, I remember the big fad in "Big Johnson" T-shirts a while back. They seem to have gone out with Zubaz pants, thanksfully, but the idea was some kind of slogan or cartoon implying that that the wearer carries on their person a "Big Johnson." That's when I decided there is a difference between HAVING a big d*ck and BEING one.

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